Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Difference We Make

I received a Christmas card from one of our Oasis graduates.  She wrote,
"...the words 'FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE' may not be visible but each person who enters into the Oasis community comes with needs and yearnings.  Oasis Ministries embraces, soothes, encourages and deepens each life and in turn countless others are touched.  The oasis continues to flow and nurture the world.  My life has been forever changed by my involvement with Oasis Ministries...I hold all that you do in prayer."
Lives are transformed because of the space, training, and presence we offer. 
I invite you to be a part of our work with your support this year.
Donate on-line and learn more about ways to support Oasis at
I am working to raise $2000 for Oasis by December 31st.  I am 55% there... please help my holiday wish to come true by supporting (and/or sharing with others) at
Thanks for your prayers and support for Oasis.
2010 has been a transformational year for us!

Rev. Cindy Garis

Executive Director

Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

419 Deerfield Road

Camp Hill, PA  17011

(717) 737-8222


Explore our transformational programs at


Upcoming Events

2010-2011 Program Guide

January 18: Spirituality for the Second-Half of Life
Link to event

February 4: In the Deep
Link to event

February 19: Companioning Across the Miles
Link to event

March 19: The Spiritual Art of Discernment
Link to event

March 22: Spirituality for the Second-Half of Life
Link to event

April 5: Group Spiritual Direction Training
Link to event

April 11-12: 'Living Poetically' with Kent Groff at Kirkridge
Link to event

April 29: Poetry As Prayer
Link to event

May 2: Exploring Spiritual Direction
Link to event

June 10: Annual Merton Retreat Day
Link to event

August 21-28, 2011:
Southwest Pilgrimage
Link to event

September 18 -25, 2011:
Canadian Canoe Trip
Link to event

December 11, 2011:
Oasis Benefit Concert

May 13-24, 2012:
Celtic Pilgrimage to Iona
Link to event


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I received this gift on a card last week, author unknown:

Realize that you change everything you touch.
You are a transformer.
Transform yourself and notice how everyone around is suddenly transformed.
Transform your fear into faith; your confusion into clarity; and your judgment into love.
Transform your relationships with the people you love and the planet you love.
Transform your thoughts into action and your ideas into reality.
Transform that dark and dingy room into a light and airy space.
Transform that old, beaten up trunk into something that holds magic.
Transform your used and worn-out beliefs about your own limitations.
Tune-in to your powerful, one-of-a-kind frequency and be the transformer you are.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oasis 2010-2011 Program Guide

Check out the 2010-2011 Oasis Program Guide -- you will find something transformational in our offerings.

What I Learn By Watching Barn Swallows

Savoring this life becomes an automatic and appropriate response the minute I dispense with velocity and pressure. This earth is beautiful and so are we – if I just take the time to notice.  … By going slowly, we move quickly through our many layers of defense and denial until we touch the living pulse of creativity within us all.  The Great Creator made this world to dazzle and move us.  When we slow our tempo to match the natural world’s, we do find ourselves dazzled and moved.   ~ Julia Cameron, Walking in This World

What I Learn By Watching Barn Swallows

I have heard some people say “ugh, barn swallows, they are messy, annoying birds,” but when a family decided to build a nest within 10 feet of where I could watch it…well, I found a delight in my summer I did not even know I needed.

Once we discovered the babies had hatched, I found myself each day going out in the morning to see how they were doing.  Every evening, when I came home from work, I would check and see what they were up to.  When we hit the over-90-degree days all in a row, the babies looked ‘wilty’ so I sprayed them with a squirt bottle of cold water.

These simple activities in many ways became spiritual discipline.  As Cameron notes in the quote above, it slowed me down and I was “dazzled and moved”.

Here are some reflections on the spiritual life after observing barn swallows:

  1. Growth comes with time, patience, and a lot of nurturing.  As I watched the little featherless, blue-bulge-eyed beaks in the early days, I realized once again the sheer fragility of life, and the utter dependency experienced by all creatures at critical points when life is new.  Frequent visits from adult swallows fed the young ones and kept track of nearby dangers.
  2. Expectancy and attentiveness assist in getting the nutrients one needs.   As the little birds grew, the more they had their mouths open, the more they were likely to get fed.  I, too, need to remain open in order to receive what I need.
  3. Some knowledge comes with repetition.  It was the repeated visits of the adults that helped the babies know what to expect.  Through the repetition can an understanding of safety and trust which led to growth and strength.  Sometimes I fear repetition as I am afraid it will lead to stagnation and a ‘stuck-in-place’ experience.  Watching the birds, I re-discovered the value of discipline, regularity and routine… not that it, in and of itself, is exciting and creative, but it becomes the fertile soil in which creativity and compassionate energy flourish.
  4. Watch, listen and learn.  It took only two weeks for those little birds to grow and fly.  In that time, I noticed them watching everything. They watched me, they watched the dog, they watched the cat, the watched our family in the pool… they watched for other swallows to swoop.  They listened… they listened to the adults when they gave danger warnings, and the little ones would crouch low in the 6-inch nest.  They listened to encouragement to take flight.  They learned through watching, listening and noticing.  We, too, grow in Love as we notice, watching and listening for the Creator in the world around us.
  5. Sometimes you just have to hold on tight.   When we want life to come easy is when it seems that it doesn’t.  I don’t exactly know how swallow nests stay in place.  They are a mixture of liquid and matter that is packed and somehow “glued” in place, not balanced in branches, but stuck to the side of a beam. Safe space is one that holds fast. As I watched the four little birds grow, I wondered at how strong their tiny legs must be, because they were jostled and pushed in the nest (with less and less room).  They had to hold tight to not fall out too early and die.  And on the day after they first flew, they held tight to the clothesline in a pelting, driving rain.  My reminder: build well, be prepared, and hold on until the storm is past.
  6. Flying is a community affair.  I am not an avid bird-watcher, but one thing I noticed about barn swallows is that flying and the teaching of flying is a community activity.  As it got closer to the time where the young ones were to leave the nest, we realized that more and more barn swallows were showing up.  Initially, on occasion we would see one adult, eventually may be two.  By the time the little ones took flight, there were at least four adults present.  Class was in session.  And when the little birds left the nest, they did not leave it on their own.  There were others always present, and even today, we have a community of swallows perched on the clothesline.  I suppose this reminds me that I don’t need to go it alone… and for Oasis? Well, we fly best in community as well.


This time with the swallows came at a time when I and Oasis are invited to fly.
You can read more about this time in the “… and they flew” challenge(.doc).

Rev. Cindy Garis
Executive Director
Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development
419 Deerfield Road
Camp Hill, PA  17011

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wisdom 2.0: Mindfulness in Technology

In searching one of the many technology sights I frequent, I enjoyed reading about Wisdom 2.0:Staying Mindful Amidst Technology Overload. The article spoke of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference. The first of its kind, Wisdom 2.0 Conference brought together people from a variety of different disciplines to explore the concept of how we can live mindfully amidst fast-paced streams of information and technologies that are becoming the daily reality for many people. Speakers ranged from Google executives to Zen priests to Twitter venture capitalists to small business owners to nonprofit consultants.

I find this fascinating, especially as we become more and more technologically savvy and Oasis is mindfulness and attentiveness.

To read the article and discover key points from the conference, read

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

5 Little Things

5 Little Things that Create the Opportunity to Listen

While we cannot always guarantee that we will listen, we can implement some structures in our lives that provide the opportunity to listen.
  1. Quiet Diet: It was mentioned as part of Noise Awareness Day to have 60 seconds of no noise from 2:15-2:16pm.  Why not challenge yourself to take those 60 seconds everyday in the middle of the afternoon - set your alarm to it (some people even set their cell phone alarms to highlight the 'praying of the hours'.
  2. Light a Candle for Bills:  when sitting down to pay your bills, pause a moment and light a candle, simply to be mindful and hold gratitude for the abundance you have.
  3. Ask and Receive:  We all know people who physically have a difficult time hearing (and some hearing devices accentuate background noise).  Take a moment to ask those individuals what is the most helpful to them for you to communicate with them, and then receive their wealth of insight and the gifts they offer.
  4. Drop a Note: sometimes the noise in our lives is not audible.  Sometimes it is internal static/anxiety and the tensions of obligations.  Take a moment to drop a simple note of remembrance (to re-member) to let someone who comes to mind know that your are thinking of them and holding them in prayer.
  5. Pause before meals: we used to sing as a blessing at meal times.  As our household has gotten louder, we have come to hold dear the moments of silence we now take before meals - cherished time to be present together, to not have to talk, to be grateful, to breathe, and to listen.
I am sure you have many more ways.  I welcome your additions and comments.

Oasis in Virginia - May 15 - Spread the Word!

Retreat: An Introduction to Contemplative Prayer



We welcome you to join us on Saturday, May 15th for a day of quiet
retreat and contemplative spiritual enrichment. Evelyn Underhill writes,
"We mostly spend our lives conjugating three verbs: to Want, to Have, to
Do." Yet our souls are thirsty for something more.

Come explore God's invitation to slow down and look beneath the surface of our busy lives to the place where Love waits for us. We will glean from both ancient paths of prayer and contemporary practices with times for silence, solitude,
chant, and small group work.


No experience necessary. Please bring a journal and come prepared for an optional walk outdoors, weather permitting.


Facilitators for the day will be Roland and Melissa Stock
from Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development in Camp Hill, Pa. Roland
and Melissa belong to St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Mechanicsburg,
Pennsylvania. They are active in retreat work and spiritual direction in
their parish and beyond.


Click here for website – Share with a friend! 



Saturday, May 15, 2010; 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.



Olivet Episcopal Church

6107 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310-2542; phone: (703) 971-4733


Retreat Fee?

$65-$95 (as you are able)

Payment via check or money order--VISA, Mastercard, Discover Card are welcome.


Registration Deadline: May 3, 2010


To register, contact Betsy Keller at 717.737.8222 or



NJ Oasis Opportunity: Explore Spiritual Direction

I just wanted to make sure that you knew Oasis was offering an 'Exploring Spiritual Direction' day in New Jersey. Details for the day are below.


Share this email or the website for this event:





Exploring Spiritual Direction:
A Retreat Day of Learning


Come join us for ‘a day apart’ coupled with an introduction to spiritual direction. We will explore both the receiving of spiritual direction as a part of an individual’s spiritual walk as well as what is involved in a ministry of offering spiritual direction. As a part of the day, there will be time for prayer and quiet reflection along with a “real” play of a spiritual direction session, presentations about spiritual direction, sharing with others interested in the spiritual life, and information about Oasis Ministries’ training program, Spiritual Direction for Spiritual Guides.



Leadership: Lorelei Oelschlager, Marc Oehler, and Jane Politi are all trained spiritual directors and graduates of Oasis' Spiritual Direction for Spiritual GuidesLorelei lives and works at Johnsonburg Presbyterian Center in Johnsonburg, NJ, where she acts as summer chaplain, spiritual sanctuary coordinator, and alumni coordinator. Marc is Associate Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township, NJ, and has been on staff for Oasis' SDSG and Contemplative Living programs. Jane is Director of Educational Ministries to Children and Adults at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Trenton, NJ.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010; 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.



Camp Johnsonburg

PO Box 475, 822 Rte 519, Johnsonburg, NJ 07846


Retreat Fee?

$65-$95 (as you are able)

[Register 3 or more people, receive small group discount: $55-75 per person]


Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 28, 2010


To register, contact Betsy Keller at 717.737.8222 or


Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Lenten Adventure to Share -- Please share within your circles

Oasis Ministries offers a chance to go deeper this Lenten season:


A Retreat Day with authors and teachers, Bruce and Kate Epperly


Friday, March 5, 2010
(9:30AM Check-in and fellowship)

Drawing from Bruce’s book, Holy Adventure: 41 Days of Audacious Living, a book that challenges Christians to take bold moves in connecting with God and to move beyond trendy Christianity to a meaningful relationship, Bruce and Kate will provide participants with an invitation to a deeper experience of Lent as well as tools for the adventurous journey. The retreat will include silence and contemplative prayer, theological reflections and creative experiences.

Cost: $35-55 (as you are able)
Seminarians: $10

Palmyra First United Methodist Church
520 E. Birch Street, Palmyra, PA  17078

Leaders: Bruce and Kate Epperly are authors, teachers, coaches, encouragers, and co-pastors of Disciples United Community Church in Millersville, PA

Learn more about Bruce and Kate

To Register:
Please contact Betsy Keller ( or call 717-737-8222



This event is part of Oasis’ Author Series. To learn more about the series, click here

Or visit






Thanks so much.



Rev. Cindy Garis

Executive Director

Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

419 Deerfield Road

Camp Hill, PA  17011





Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oasis Offerings for Men

Knowing that men share best with other men, Oasis is establishing new offerings this year for MEN ONLY. 

These include:

  • "Inward Bound: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers for Men Today"
    A Retreat with author teacher, Belden Lane
    April 16-18, 2010
    Camp Krislund, PA
    click here to learn more
  • Men4Directions
    Men4Directions is a year-long program of Oasis Ministries intended to help men grow in faith, self-awareness, and spiritual wholeness. The program includes small group community, quarterly retreats, and solo-time in the wilderness to engage with Spirit and soul. M4D provides one-on-one spiritual direction, small group support and accountability, and solitude in natural settings.
    click here to learn more


This was originally a piece of our January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at or sign up on our Facebook page



Oasis Offers 2010 Canadian Canoe Trip

Oasis is excited to once again offer a Contemplative Canoe Trip this September.  Join Vicki Kensinger and Dennis and Marti Shaak in exploring God in creation while canoeing Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada.  If you experienced our annual gathering dinner in November, you saw amazing pictures from the 2009 pilgrimage.

September 12-18, 2010

Click Here to Learn More about the Canoe Trip






This was originally a piece of our January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at or sign up on our Facebook page


Offerings from Authors

This year, Oasis Ministries is pleased to announce the opportunity to experience several authors as leaders of retreats.

Oasis "Author Series" includes:

    A Retreat Day with authors and teachers, Bruce and Kate Epperly - March 5th in Palmyra, PA

  • "An Evening with Belden Lane" co-sponsored with State College Presbyterian Church, April 15th in State College, PA

    A Retreat Day with author and teacher, Oasis’ Founding Mentor, Kent Ira Groff- April 21st in Lebanon, PA and April 22nd in Bangor, PA.

Learn more about Oasis’ NEW Author Series





This was originally a piece of the Oasis January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at


Offerings from LCG Participants

In our Leading Contemplative Gatherings program, participants are required to develop and facilitate a contemplative gathering or group.  Some of these are closed groups for specific people.  Others are open to anyone.  

Open opportunities include:

 ... Women's retreat - February 20, Harrisburg, PA
 ... Oasis Ambassador's retreat - March 6, Newark, DE
 ... The Good Seed - March 6, Elizabethtown, PA
 ... Opening Space for God - March 14-15, Reading, PA 

Click Here to Learn More and Download Flyers



Hopeful for Miracles

As we watch, wait, support and pray for friends and strangers in Haiti, once again, I am aware of feelings of overwhelm and powerlessness. 

However, I came across a quote recently that brought me back to a more centered, sacred place:

"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."
Helen Keller

Sometimes the best we can do is give; sometimes the best we can do is listen. Often the best we can do is pray.

As we open our hearts to Love and mystery,  we watch and notice the miracles around us.

May your life be full of miracles this week.


This was originally a piece of our January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at


Sunday, January 17, 2010

vigorously brushing away all that clutters and dims your shining light

As we turn the page on the calendar and a new year, we hear a lot about resolutions. Resolutions conjure up scenarios for me of determination and persistence (as I am focused on this accomplishment), of settling an argument (as finding some resolution to conflict), even of failure (as I did not meet that which I resolved to do last year).

However, Epiphany invites me to wonder... and I wonder if new chapters in our lives are as much about reflection as they are about resolution. Reflecting on the year gone by, and reflecting on life in general, including our hopes of the year to come... but also actively reflecting the light of Love.

What keeps us from reflecting the Light?

Sometimes what keeps me from reflecting the light is dust. I have not taken the time to dust off my reflecting mirror. I have not spent time in silence and contemplation and prayer... and dust has gathered there.

I share with you a simple reflection that I am fond of, especially in times of transition, from Writing with Light: Meditations for Caregivers in Word and Images by Robert Merrill Eddy and Kathy Wonson Eddy:

Sometimes I see images when I pray. I quiet my mind and in the silence pictures float up; they often bring a feeling of catharsis and healing. One August when I was feeling discouraged about ministry and my creative life, I decided to bring the depression to Jesus and then simply wait quietly and watch to see what Christ would do. To my surprise Jesus took a broom and began sweeping me off!

"What are you sweeping off?" I asked.
Jesus answered, "All your NOs, all your CAN'Ts."

Then in my mind's eye, Jesus sprayed me with refreshing water from a hose. The water was filled with the word "Yes" printed in different sizes and styles. The Yes words stuck all over me. Later that day in meditation... I "saw" the Yes words in my lungs. With every breath they bounced around and danced....

Sweeping removes what is old and clears the way for what is new; it can help us find what was lost... think of God sweeping out your mind and heart, vigorously brushing away all that clutters and dims your shining light. God is clearing and preparing a place for your Yes: Yes to this work, this person, this opportunity for love and service, this Now with all its gifts...

God is sweeping your life.

So, my friend, may you experience many epiphanies and many seasons of epiphany.

I close with a blessing shared with me from our Founding Mentor, Kent Groff:



Rev. Cindy Garis
Executive Director
Oasis Ministries

If you wish to receive news from Oasis, make sure you sign up for our e-newsletter on our website or on our Facebook page.



Rev. Cindy Garis

Executive Director

Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

419 Deerfield Road

Camp Hill, PA  17011





An Invitation for Sharing in the Winter Feast for the Soul 2010

Oasis graduate and former Board president, Marian Methner, shared the following YouTube link with me.
It is an interfaith invitation for 40 minutes of contemplation for 40 days.

Inspired by a Rumi poem, a woman creates a virtual worldwide sangha, inviting people of all faiths to join one another in meditation and prayer from January 15 to February 23 each year.

I hope you will participate in the invitation to meditate for 40 minutes for 40 days – and experience transformation.


This was sent through Oasis as part of an e-newsletter, along with prayers for Haiti.

To view the entire email, click here