Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Words the Describe the Oasis Experience

At our June Retreat of the Oasis Board of Directors, we were invited to an exercise which asked us to list owrds that described Oasis (or that came to mind when we thougth of Oasis), while building a domino bridge. The following are some of the words Board members listed:
  • connection
  • deepening
  • community
  • equanimity
  • hospitality
  • self-acceptance
  • love
  • joy
  • hope
  • far-reaching
  • a sure foundation
  • risk-taking
  • healing
  • diversity
  • insight
  • awakening
  • safe place
  • helping hand
  • centering
  • contemplation
  • a new world
  • peace
  • open
  • sanctuary
  • journey
  • possibilities
  • wonder
  • fully alive
  • spacious
  • exploring the edge
  • life-giving

Would you agree?

What words would you add to the list?