Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Difference We Make

I received a Christmas card from one of our Oasis graduates.  She wrote,
"...the words 'FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE' may not be visible but each person who enters into the Oasis community comes with needs and yearnings.  Oasis Ministries embraces, soothes, encourages and deepens each life and in turn countless others are touched.  The oasis continues to flow and nurture the world.  My life has been forever changed by my involvement with Oasis Ministries...I hold all that you do in prayer."
Lives are transformed because of the space, training, and presence we offer. 
I invite you to be a part of our work with your support this year.
Donate on-line and learn more about ways to support Oasis at
I am working to raise $2000 for Oasis by December 31st.  I am 55% there... please help my holiday wish to come true by supporting (and/or sharing with others) at
Thanks for your prayers and support for Oasis.
2010 has been a transformational year for us!

Rev. Cindy Garis

Executive Director

Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

419 Deerfield Road

Camp Hill, PA  17011

(717) 737-8222


Explore our transformational programs at


Upcoming Events

2010-2011 Program Guide

January 18: Spirituality for the Second-Half of Life
Link to event

February 4: In the Deep
Link to event

February 19: Companioning Across the Miles
Link to event

March 19: The Spiritual Art of Discernment
Link to event

March 22: Spirituality for the Second-Half of Life
Link to event

April 5: Group Spiritual Direction Training
Link to event

April 11-12: 'Living Poetically' with Kent Groff at Kirkridge
Link to event

April 29: Poetry As Prayer
Link to event

May 2: Exploring Spiritual Direction
Link to event

June 10: Annual Merton Retreat Day
Link to event

August 21-28, 2011:
Southwest Pilgrimage
Link to event

September 18 -25, 2011:
Canadian Canoe Trip
Link to event

December 11, 2011:
Oasis Benefit Concert

May 13-24, 2012:
Celtic Pilgrimage to Iona
Link to event


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