Sunday, January 17, 2010

vigorously brushing away all that clutters and dims your shining light

As we turn the page on the calendar and a new year, we hear a lot about resolutions. Resolutions conjure up scenarios for me of determination and persistence (as I am focused on this accomplishment), of settling an argument (as finding some resolution to conflict), even of failure (as I did not meet that which I resolved to do last year).

However, Epiphany invites me to wonder... and I wonder if new chapters in our lives are as much about reflection as they are about resolution. Reflecting on the year gone by, and reflecting on life in general, including our hopes of the year to come... but also actively reflecting the light of Love.

What keeps us from reflecting the Light?

Sometimes what keeps me from reflecting the light is dust. I have not taken the time to dust off my reflecting mirror. I have not spent time in silence and contemplation and prayer... and dust has gathered there.

I share with you a simple reflection that I am fond of, especially in times of transition, from Writing with Light: Meditations for Caregivers in Word and Images by Robert Merrill Eddy and Kathy Wonson Eddy:

Sometimes I see images when I pray. I quiet my mind and in the silence pictures float up; they often bring a feeling of catharsis and healing. One August when I was feeling discouraged about ministry and my creative life, I decided to bring the depression to Jesus and then simply wait quietly and watch to see what Christ would do. To my surprise Jesus took a broom and began sweeping me off!

"What are you sweeping off?" I asked.
Jesus answered, "All your NOs, all your CAN'Ts."

Then in my mind's eye, Jesus sprayed me with refreshing water from a hose. The water was filled with the word "Yes" printed in different sizes and styles. The Yes words stuck all over me. Later that day in meditation... I "saw" the Yes words in my lungs. With every breath they bounced around and danced....

Sweeping removes what is old and clears the way for what is new; it can help us find what was lost... think of God sweeping out your mind and heart, vigorously brushing away all that clutters and dims your shining light. God is clearing and preparing a place for your Yes: Yes to this work, this person, this opportunity for love and service, this Now with all its gifts...

God is sweeping your life.

So, my friend, may you experience many epiphanies and many seasons of epiphany.

I close with a blessing shared with me from our Founding Mentor, Kent Groff:



Rev. Cindy Garis
Executive Director
Oasis Ministries

If you wish to receive news from Oasis, make sure you sign up for our e-newsletter on our website or on our Facebook page.



Rev. Cindy Garis

Executive Director

Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development

419 Deerfield Road

Camp Hill, PA  17011





An Invitation for Sharing in the Winter Feast for the Soul 2010

Oasis graduate and former Board president, Marian Methner, shared the following YouTube link with me.
It is an interfaith invitation for 40 minutes of contemplation for 40 days.

Inspired by a Rumi poem, a woman creates a virtual worldwide sangha, inviting people of all faiths to join one another in meditation and prayer from January 15 to February 23 each year.

I hope you will participate in the invitation to meditate for 40 minutes for 40 days – and experience transformation.


This was sent through Oasis as part of an e-newsletter, along with prayers for Haiti.

To view the entire email, click here