Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday and Earth Day Combine

“the world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful”  e. e. cummings

There is something profound to me about Earth Day coinciding with Good Friday this year.
Something about the brokenness, the passion, the finality, the sense of doom and dread… the humanity of the crucifixion mixing with the raw way we are a part of creation… that our ‘being of dirt’ is mixed with the Earth.

"The earth was once molten rock and now sings operas."  Brian Swimme

This Earth Day, this Good Friday, may we discover once again how dependent we are on God and ALL of God’s creatures.  May we open ourselves anew to how we are being invited to interact with ALL of creation, for we are related to all.


What’s evil for the hawk is the mouse because, you know, the mouse is quick and gets away but I did this one realization every scientist goes through at one point… if you gave the hawk power, the power of God, the first thing the hawk might do is to slow down the mouse. But then the hawk would lose it’s speed. And then if you slow the mouse all the way down, so it can just barely move, the hawk would lose its flight. So that in a weird way the tension between those two say natural enemies is what gives birth to their beauty. So I definitely feel that the tension we have right now within the human community in particular — that those are ultimately going to be resolved with a deeper harmony and a deeper appreciation for one another.
Brian Swimme, interview (2007)