Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oasis Offerings for Men

Knowing that men share best with other men, Oasis is establishing new offerings this year for MEN ONLY. 

These include:

  • "Inward Bound: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers for Men Today"
    A Retreat with author teacher, Belden Lane
    April 16-18, 2010
    Camp Krislund, PA
    click here to learn more
  • Men4Directions
    Men4Directions is a year-long program of Oasis Ministries intended to help men grow in faith, self-awareness, and spiritual wholeness. The program includes small group community, quarterly retreats, and solo-time in the wilderness to engage with Spirit and soul. M4D provides one-on-one spiritual direction, small group support and accountability, and solitude in natural settings.
    click here to learn more


This was originally a piece of our January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

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