Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NJ Oasis Opportunity: Explore Spiritual Direction

I just wanted to make sure that you knew Oasis was offering an 'Exploring Spiritual Direction' day in New Jersey. Details for the day are below.


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Exploring Spiritual Direction:
A Retreat Day of Learning


Come join us for ‘a day apart’ coupled with an introduction to spiritual direction. We will explore both the receiving of spiritual direction as a part of an individual’s spiritual walk as well as what is involved in a ministry of offering spiritual direction. As a part of the day, there will be time for prayer and quiet reflection along with a “real” play of a spiritual direction session, presentations about spiritual direction, sharing with others interested in the spiritual life, and information about Oasis Ministries’ training program, Spiritual Direction for Spiritual Guides.



Leadership: Lorelei Oelschlager, Marc Oehler, and Jane Politi are all trained spiritual directors and graduates of Oasis' Spiritual Direction for Spiritual GuidesLorelei lives and works at Johnsonburg Presbyterian Center in Johnsonburg, NJ, where she acts as summer chaplain, spiritual sanctuary coordinator, and alumni coordinator. Marc is Associate Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township, NJ, and has been on staff for Oasis' SDSG and Contemplative Living programs. Jane is Director of Educational Ministries to Children and Adults at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Trenton, NJ.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010; 9:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m.



Camp Johnsonburg

PO Box 475, 822 Rte 519, Johnsonburg, NJ 07846


Retreat Fee?

$65-$95 (as you are able)

[Register 3 or more people, receive small group discount: $55-75 per person]


Registration Deadline: Wednesday, April 28, 2010


To register, contact Betsy Keller at 717.737.8222 or