Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oasis Offerings for Men

Knowing that men share best with other men, Oasis is establishing new offerings this year for MEN ONLY. 

These include:

  • "Inward Bound: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers for Men Today"
    A Retreat with author teacher, Belden Lane
    April 16-18, 2010
    Camp Krislund, PA
    click here to learn more
  • Men4Directions
    Men4Directions is a year-long program of Oasis Ministries intended to help men grow in faith, self-awareness, and spiritual wholeness. The program includes small group community, quarterly retreats, and solo-time in the wilderness to engage with Spirit and soul. M4D provides one-on-one spiritual direction, small group support and accountability, and solitude in natural settings.
    click here to learn more


This was originally a piece of our January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at www.oasismin.org or sign up on our Facebook page



Oasis Offers 2010 Canadian Canoe Trip

Oasis is excited to once again offer a Contemplative Canoe Trip this September.  Join Vicki Kensinger and Dennis and Marti Shaak in exploring God in creation while canoeing Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada.  If you experienced our annual gathering dinner in November, you saw amazing pictures from the 2009 pilgrimage.

September 12-18, 2010

Click Here to Learn More about the Canoe Trip






This was originally a piece of our January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at www.oasismin.org or sign up on our Facebook page


Offerings from Authors

This year, Oasis Ministries is pleased to announce the opportunity to experience several authors as leaders of retreats.

Oasis "Author Series" includes:

    A Retreat Day with authors and teachers, Bruce and Kate Epperly - March 5th in Palmyra, PA

  • "An Evening with Belden Lane" co-sponsored with State College Presbyterian Church, April 15th in State College, PA

    A Retreat Day with author and teacher, Oasis’ Founding Mentor, Kent Ira Groff- April 21st in Lebanon, PA and April 22nd in Bangor, PA.

Learn more about Oasis’ NEW Author Series





This was originally a piece of the Oasis January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at www.oasismin.org


Offerings from LCG Participants

In our Leading Contemplative Gatherings program, participants are required to develop and facilitate a contemplative gathering or group.  Some of these are closed groups for specific people.  Others are open to anyone.  

Open opportunities include:

 ... Women's retreat - February 20, Harrisburg, PA
 ... Oasis Ambassador's retreat - March 6, Newark, DE
 ... The Good Seed - March 6, Elizabethtown, PA
 ... Opening Space for God - March 14-15, Reading, PA 

Click Here to Learn More and Download Flyers



Hopeful for Miracles

As we watch, wait, support and pray for friends and strangers in Haiti, once again, I am aware of feelings of overwhelm and powerlessness. 

However, I came across a quote recently that brought me back to a more centered, sacred place:

"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."
Helen Keller

Sometimes the best we can do is give; sometimes the best we can do is listen. Often the best we can do is pray.

As we open our hearts to Love and mystery,  we watch and notice the miracles around us.

May your life be full of miracles this week.


This was originally a piece of our January 24, 2010 e-newsletter.  To view the newsletter in a browser, click here.

To sign up to receive Oasis e-news, visit our website at www.oasismin.org