Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Contemplation from Life: The Patio Door

I go to leave our little Boston Terrier out this morning.
To inform us when she is ready to go out, she rings the little bell hanging from our patio door.
It is a sliding door and go to slide it to the right.  It does not budge.  I try harder. No movement.  One more time, come on, try harder.

Then, I realize that it is first thing in the morning and it is locked. So I unlock it and it slides freely.
I had to smile to myself, because it made me realize how often I experience resistance in life and rather than find a way to unlock it (or even assess the problem), I simply push harder.

Resistance is a necessary part of life, but the invitation is not always "push harder!"

To fly we have to have resistance.
Maya Lin 

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